Agriculture_192 "Four-year old Orchard. J.H. Sudweek, 1/2 mile southeast of Kimberly, Idaho;" Cultivated land between rows of trees in an orchard.
Agriculture_191 Two men standing between a potato field and a corn field.
Agriculture_190 "Three year old Apple Orchard. H.B. Johnson Ranch, 2 miles southwest of Twin Falls, Idaho;" fenced orchard with a canal visible in the background.
Agriculture_189 "Three year-old Apple Orchard. H.B. Johnson Ranch, 2 miles southwest of Twin Falls, Idaho;" apple orchard irrigated from a lateral ditch.
Agriculture_188 "Hay from 65 acres. Net $2,000. George Wade Ranch, 22 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho;" Men and horses unloading hay from a wagon using a derrick to stack.
Agriculture_187 "Starting to Harvest a 500 acre Oat Field. Ferguson Fruit and Land Company 22 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho;" Two men and two teams of horses operate a reaper-binder in a field of oats.
Agriculture_186 "Burning Sagebrush. Ferguson Fruit and Land Company 22 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho."
Agriculture_185 "Haying. Ferguson Fruit and Land Company 22 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho;" field of piled hay.
Agriculture_184 "Threshing. Schwamb Ranch. Turnipseed Brothers, Overseers. Russell Thresher, R.W. Steele, Owner;" Six men operating a thresher.
Agriculture_183 "Threshing. Schwamb Ranch. Turnipseed Brothers, Overseers;" Nine men operating a thresher.
Agriculture_182 "Threshing. Schwamb Ranch. Turnipseed Brothers, Overseers;" Twelve men operating a thresher.
Agriculture_181 "Threshing. Schwamb Ranch. Turnipseed Brothers, Overseers. Russell Thresher, R.W. Steele, Owner;" Six men operating a thresher.
Agriculture_180 "Threshing, B.C. Sammon Ranch. Turnipseed Brothers, Overseers;" Eight wagonloads of grain in a line awaiting turn at the threshing machine.
Agriculture_179 "Second Crop of Potatoes. 200 bushels per acre. G.H. Smith Ranch. Leonard and Hendricks, Overseers;" man and woman standing in potato field.
Agriculture_178 "Grapes of S.C. Sexton Ranch, 4 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho;" closeup of grape clusters on vines.