TFEvents_299 "The Fair 1910;" children parade down Main Street
TFEvents_298 "The Fair 1910;" wagon decorated with fruits, grains, potatoes, preserves
TFEvents_297 "The Fair 1910;" stagecoach and wagon in parade
TFEvents_296 "The Fair 1910;" parade on Main Street, with floats and wagons.
TFEvents_295 "The Fair, 1910;" Interior view of a tent, with apples displayed
TFEvents_294 "The Fair, 1910; crowd of people, automobiles, and horses and buggies, in front of the Perrine Hotel on Main Street, Eldridge's Clothing Store on right
TFEvents_293 "The Fair, 1910;" parade and crowd of people on Shoshone Street, Court House under construction on left
TFEvents_292 "Fair, 1910;" parade and crowd of people on Shoshone Street, Court House under construction on left
Agriculture_291 Three men standing in a potato field, among sacks of potatoes; buildings visible in the distance.
Mining_290 "First shipment from 4 mile lease. Jarbidge-Pavlak Mining Company. Shipped through Brunn, Kinney Company;" Men and boys standing by freight bags.
BridgesFerries_289 "Piers to Bridge at Blue Lakes;" Men working on bridge near Perrine's Ranch, ferry landing to the right
Agriculture_288 "First Load of Corn Marketed in Twin Falls City, by Thomas Woods;" A wagonload of corn surrounded by men, at the corner of Main Street and Shoshone Street. First National Bank, Twin Falls Hardware Co., O.A. Stalker Clothier in background
Agriculture_287 "Peaches, H.B. Johnson Ranch, 2 1/2 miles southwest Twin Falls, Idaho;" man beside a fruit tree.
Agriculture_286 "Apples Perrine's Ranch;" Fruit trees near Alpheus Creek, Snake River Canyon
Agriculture_285 "Grubbing Sagebrush, Twin Falls Tract. P.H. Smith Ranch;" man operating a sagebrush grubber pulled by a steam tractor.