People_330 "Death Valley Scotty;" man on his horse among tents
Jarbidge_329 "Scene on Jarbidge River;"
Jarbidge_328 "Jarbidge, Nevada;" men posing along the street of the valley tent city; Wyman's Assay Office on left
Landscapes_327 "Jack Creek;" snowy mountains
Landscapes_326 "Scene on East Fork "
Mining_325 "General View of East Fork Mining and Development Company Property"
Nevada_324 "Wild Horse Cabin;"
Agriculture_323 "Berries and Apples;" Three men examining berries between rows of fruit trees.
Agriculture_322 Open, cultivated fields.
Agriculture_321 Large flock of sheep in a field, with a farmstead in the background.
TFBuildings_320 Lincoln School with wagons and teams of horses in front, houses and other buildings in the background.
Outdoor_319 "A Mornings Hunt;" Duck hunter with ducks and a Labrador dog.
Outdoor_318 "30 Minute Hunt;" three men and a woman holding shotguns and a number of trussed-up rabbits. From left: Frank Benoit, Mrs. Frank Lindzy, Frank Lindzy, and Herbert Martel (from the Twin Falls News, Feb 1, 1907, p.1).
TFBuildings_317 Front view of house; woman seated on the porch
Agriculture_316 "A Six Horse Team Owned by J.H. Geck & Son;" man in a field with horses, cattle and a dog