TFBuildings_466 "Hotel Rogerson;" two men writing at desks in the lobby of the hotel.
Utilities_465 "First Well in Twin Falls County. P.B. Johnson. March, 1908;" Five men, a woman, and a girl seated in a cart pulled by a goat standing near a drilling rig.
ShoshoneFalls_464 "Shoshone Falls, 1500 feet wide, 212 feet high"
SnakeRiverCanyon_463 "Solid Comfort. Our Idaho;" Two men in relaxing poses at the base of the canyon walls.
People_462 "The First Meeting of the Synod of Idaho. Twin Falls, October 13, 1909;" group of men standing on the steps of a church.
SnakeRiverCanyon_461 "Our Beautiful Idaho;" woman standing beside the river below the canyon walls.
ShoshoneFalls_460 "Honey Comb Cave. Shoshone Falls, Idaho;" woman and a man looking out from inside a water-worn rock formation.
Agriculture_459 "Holsteins. S.S. Neher. 1 mile west of Twin Falls; herd of cattle in a yard around a large barn.
Agriculture_457 "Potato Field. L.A. Snyder - 1 mile east of Twin Falls;" nine men and two teams of horses working in a potato field. Bagged potatoes in field, buildings in background
Agriculture_456 "L.A. Snyder's Potato Field; 1 mile east of Twin Falls;" field of bagged potatoes, with buildings in the background.
TFBuildings_454 Lincoln School
TFBuildings_453 Bickel School
Agriculture_452 "Fruit Fair, 1911;" room of displayed produce; one sign reads '1911 Conway Exhibit'
Agriculture_451 "Fruit Fair - 1911;" boxed apples
Agriculture_450 "Fruit Fair - 1911;" preserves display