Agriculture_527 "Cherry Trees. Fourth year. P.C. Davis. Twin Falls, Idaho;" man and a woman standing with dogs in an orchard.
StillLife_526 "The Syringa - The State Flower of Idaho;" spray of syringa blossoms against a blank background
Blue Lakes_525 "The Blue Lakes Orchard;" road running through orchard on the Perrine Ranch in the Snake River Canyon.
Transportation_524 "Overland;" View of the back of a stagecoach stopped on the way up a grade in the canyon; Perrine Coulee Falls in background; two men on the coach.
BridgesFerries_523 "The Blue Lakes Bridge;" stagecoach crossing bridge; Perrine Ranch in the background, with poplar trees growing along the bank of the river
BlueLakes_522 "Blue Lakes Farm;" Perrine land in canyon. Telephone poles and the Perrine Coulee visible.
SnakeRiverCanyon_521 "The Bryan Monument;" tall pile of rocks (cairn) n the edge of the canyon overlooking the Perrine Ranch.
BlueLakes_520 "Blue Lakes;" Perrine house behind Alpheus Creek.
ArtesianCity_519 "Wells at Artesian City, Idaho;" Three men standing behind artesian wells.
ArtesianCity_518 "Wells at Artesian City, Idaho;" Three men standing behind artesian wells.
Agriculture_517 "Onion Patch on a City Lot. Fred H. Wheeler. Elm Park;" three children standing among onion plants; homes, outbuildings, telephone poles visible.
TwinFalls_516 "Twin Falls Idaho; Copyright 1912;" the falls at full flow.
TwinFalls_515 "The South Fall. Twin Falls, Idaho;" one of the three falls at the Twin Falls.
Agriculture_514 Five strawberries laying alongside a ruler to show size.
TFBuildings_513 "The Alex McPherson Home Near Twin Falls, Idaho;" An irrigation coulee running alongside house. Trees and outbuildings also visible.